Managing today's agricultural operations can seem like driving on a subzero
morning; things are happening all around outside, but the operator can only see straight
ahead through a small defrosted hole revealing the next crisis in the road. With each new
decision seeming more complex than the last, successful operators must have all their
windows clear to make the best choices.
This satellite program will present the WIRE management process which supplies the tools
required to operate under difficult conditions. The program will begin with a look at the
Warbonnet ranch of northeast Wyoming and the factors faced by this typical ranch family.
Discussion of this situation will help you understand how the WIRE process could help the
Grays "defrost" their management windows and get headed down the right road.
Strategic goal setting is the first step in the WIRE process of getting on-track. Although
setting goals is critical to reaching a destination, many ag managers are too busy
"driving" to take their eyes off the "road" to study the
"map". WIRE worksheets and process of assigning dollar costs to goals is a way
for busy managers to chart their own "course" over the road ahead.
* Agricultural producers wanting to "defrost" their management windows
* Extension agents providing educational programs to ag producers
* Students learning to apply integrated management for sustainable operations
* Educators interested in management principles
* Site Registration: contact John Hewlett,, 307-766-5544 fax,
307-766-2166 phone.
* Interested individuals or groups who register before the broadcast may receive one free
copy (per receiving site) of the WIRE case study video: Warbonnet Ranch.
- Date: 6 February, 1997
- Time: 4:00 p.m. Eastern time, 1:00 p.m. Pacific time
- C-Band: Galaxy 9 (123degW) Transponder 02, 3740 MHz(h)
- KU-Band: SBS 6 (74degW) Transponder 09, 11921.0 MHz(h)
* For Technical Assistance or Troubleshooting: 970-491-5920
* This satellite program is being made available free of charge through a USDA grant
Change In Agriculture