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This video library was developed for use in WIRE schools to introduce ranch and farm management concepts. You may want to obtain one to review what you have learned in a WIRE school. The concepts taught in the videos have a broad application. The videos may be used as teaching tools in many different settings. They are http://www.uwagec.orgal but fun and easy to watch.

Video 1 Introduction to the WIRE Process

(8.5 minutes) This video introduces the WIRE process, a method that can be used to develop an integrated management plan for ranch and farm resources. The Strategic, Tactical, and Operational phases of the WIRE process are described.

Video 2 Ranch and Farm Goals

(8.5 minutes) In this video you will learn the importance of identifying goals and writing a mission statement for your farm or ranch. During the Strategic, Tactical and Operational phases of the WIRE process it is important to develop "SMART" goals. You will learn how to determine if a goal is "SMART."

Video 3 Conducting a Ranch and Farm Resource Inventory

(15.5 minutes) This video introduces the process of conducting an inventory of ranch and farm resources. Basic resources, human resources, financial resources, livestock resources and wildlife resources are addressed.

Video 4 Evaluating Enterprises

(12 minutes) What is an enterprise? How do you determine if you are running a profitable enterprise? These are two of the questions addressed in this video. Enterprise budgets and the six factors affecting profit are discussed.

Video 5 Exploring New Enterprises

(11.5 minutes) This video highlights success stories of new enterprises that have increased the profitability of some agriculture operations. It addresses the importance of insuring that a new enterprise is compatible with both the existing resources and other enterprises on the farm or ranch.


To order these or other WIRE course materials, follow this link.


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